Vergangenheit heilen – jedes Trauma Loslassen & Verzeihen
About Lesson

The past shapes us and draws corresponding events into our lives.

To direct this "magnetism" for certain events in the desired direction, the technique of re-experiencing is recommended.

Every day you should conduct a personal day review. If you come across an event that was not ideal, you should relive it. To do this, you mentally shape the event in the way you would have found ideal. You can also apply this technique to more distant, possibly traumatic experiences.

Thus you do not change the event itself, but this is basically unimportant, because irrevocably past. What is important is only the emotional energy from this event, which still influences your energetic signature in the here and now.

The technique of re-experiencing aims at transforming or at least neutralizing this very emotional energy. Thus, your energy magnet can be optimized and thus also a completely different future can be attracted.


The technique of re-experiencing is basically simple: Think about how the event should have been and mentally replay this now neutral or even positive scenario over and over again until the painful memory is overwritten. Normally, this succeeds within 21 days.

Your subconscious experiences inner images as well as actual events, and so thanks to this technique you ultimately have the choice of what to be impressed by and what to attract. 

The re-experience is perfect as an evening ritual - but can also be applied during the day - ideally, right after something less than ideal has happened.

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