
What personal responsibility, discipline and self-confidence have to do with self-healing

Many people become ill because stagnation has crept into one or more areas of life. The flow and exchange of energies, which always balance and purify, then falters.
But the opposite, too much activity, can also put one-sided strain on the body and ultimately overload it.

I am one of those who tend to "overdo it." And so recently a whiplash syndrome (whiplash) forced me to pause, rest, and focus.

Forced me, in a sense, to look straight ahead and nowhere else.

In this video I describe what happened and analyze how it happened:

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So in the days that followed, concentrated self-healing work came my way. I logged this daily:

Development of whiplash:

 Day 0:

I ride a longer tour on a hard-sprung motorcycle with an already damaged cervical spine. And with my heaviest helmet. As I ride through a sharp bump, I feel a crack in my neck and it's clear to me that I'm in for some healing work. An opportunity to test your self-healing philosophy on yourself. In the evening I am more or less unable to move. I know the CT picture that fits this pain. What the doctor says about it, too. But for the time being I hope for the healing power of sleep. No painkillers, only a scarf should protect against the draught of the air conditioner at night.

 Day 1:

In the morning I notice: no improvement at all. On the contrary. The pain is enormous. And it doesn't matter if I sit, stand or lie down. The thing feels like a herniated disc and very likely it is. It would not be the first time.

I realize I need a neck brace to support my neck, otherwise the pain is almost unbearable, even when I try to keep my head motionless. So I ride my scooter like I'm on eggs to the big pharmacy 2 km away, every pebble giving me a hell of a pain. Fortunately, I find a well-fitting neck brace. with this I also sleep - grateful whether such achievements, because without I would probably not close an eye.

 Day 2

At 7 o'clock I get up briefly and prepare myself a healthy breakfast and then go back to bed. The next time I wake up is at 1:30. The body clearly needs a lot of regeneration. In the afternoon I do a few things in town, this time walking everywhere. This feels good and although I have taken off the neck brace, I feel only comparatively little pain.

In the evening, I give in to the impulse to build up my shoulder and neck muscles through strength training. So I go to the fitness center, buy a 2-month pass right there and start gentle strength training for my problem areas. It feels great.

 I have not used the neck brace since early afternoon. Pain is - compared to yesterday - minimal, but I also really try to keep my head still as much as possible. I will also spend the night without the neck brace.

If it feels right, it is. Back on the bike, in the middle of the jungle (day 5) - healing works like that too

 Day 3
Without any special incidents. If the weather were not so rainy, I would make a motorcycle ride. With well-suspended Enduro and a bicycle helmet, mind you. That would be good for the mind, and what caresses the soul, is also good for health. Due to the weather, however, it will be a working day in front of the computer. From the pain I would say: as yesterday, so only with slight movement restrictions....

 Day 4

Slight regression. After waking up, every movement is very painful. By the hair, I pull my head up with me as I slowly turn my body out of bed. The neck and cervical muscles are one source of pain no matter what the movement. If someone were to watch me pull my own head up by the hair - they would probably laugh heartily at it - if it weren't for my pain-distorted face. The neck brace is used again. In the afternoon, it's off to the fitness center again. Immediately afterwards I feel much better. Strength training seems - once again - to play a key role. Mind you, specific exercises for the neck and shoulder area. At night I sleep without a neck brace.

 Day 5
Still in pain. This is one of those days when you might start to doubt. Will it heal on its own again this time? However, I am making good progress on my current work project. Every little success counts now, every feeling of being able to move something in a constructive direction strengthens the self-confidence and thus the Self-efficacy. This is better than any painkiller. Speaking of which: although available at home, I still have not taken a pain pill. But I have to say that I really can take a lot and like to wait until it really can't be taken any other way before I throw in these side-effect-laden helpers.
In the afternoon I get on my motorcycle and ride a round in the nearby jungle. Balm for the soul. And the neck? At least no aggravation. In the evening, I try to find suitable exercises for the neck area. My bedroom door pole comes into play. Again: an unfamiliar image that amuses. But: I am happy to have found an exercise that gives me immediate relief.

Übung für Schleudertrauma
Me and the door stick: pushing the head back against a resistance creates relief

 Day 6

I am able to lift my head from the pillow in the morning without pain. That hasn't been the case for a while. A breakthrough? A small one in any case. A circumstance worthy of joy and gratitude. To speak of healing would be too early. But the day went without the usual pain when turning the head.
Yes, this could be something.... which means could - it WILL 😉

 Day 7

Looks good! In the afternoon I crawl a few laps in the pool. Painless. Only a very strong turn of the head causes a slight pain in the neck muscles. I consider the whiplash almost healed. In any case, it is unlikely that it will flare up again in the old intensity....
Now I just have to be careful to avoid shock effects, like those that can occur when riding a motorcycle or kite surfing, over the next few days.
I am happy to have made it once again.

What measures have I taken? How does self-healing succeed?

  • mental: stress reduction:
    First of all, let go of everything that burdens and tenses.
    Focus on what is essential now in these days, find solutions for acute issues
  • physical: strength training, walking, door stick exercise
    I went to the fitness center 3 times this week, exercising with a high load (exclusively strength training). I also walked a lot this week, more than usual, and discovered how this almost forgotten mode of transportation is also mentally relaxing. I discovered such a habit that is worth keeping!
    Worth mentioning in this regard: self-found door stick exercise shown above.
  • subtle: Healing breath, classical music, Bengston healing method
    of course, I did not abandon self-treatment with Bengston absorbent cotton. In addition, I listened to a lot of classical music and practiced soothing breathing techniques - whenever I thought of it. And another small but effective thing: becoming quiet. No cell phone, no television, no radio. Close your eyes and enjoy the now 😉.

In video no.2 - created exactly 8 days after the first one - I present what probably the most important factor in this healing process was (and probably is in any other):

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Of course, this was only a whiplash injury and not a cancer. But could this procedure serve as a blueprint for a general healing process? I think so.

If you also like to integrate one or another measure or consider a companion on your individual path to health, let me know. Whatsapp/Telegram: +66869441223

Which measure would also be helpful for you or for someone in your environment? I would be happy to hear from you!