Tod, Wiedergeburt & das spielende Bewusstsein
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Death, rebirth & the playing consciousness

Idea No. 1: Rebirth Whoever deals with the subject of rebirth inevitably comes into contact with the question "Who am I really". A worldview that defines me as a body, as a physical and mental construct, that is, as what I can attack and think, naturally has difficulty with the idea of rebirth. For it is not a...

Ausgeglichenheit, Natur & Kontakt zur inneren Stimme
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Balance, nature & contact with the inner voice

In this article I would like to show you an unbeatable way to find more balance and at the same time access your inner voice. These days you read a lot about homeostasis and coherence, and what sounds terribly scientific and complicated simply means balance. A biological system that exists in balance is...