Dear Self-Healer!

The topic of self-healing is smiled at by many people. Whether this is wise in view of thousands of people who have recovered - often successfully even without conventional medical treatment - is a matter for everyone to judge for themselves.

Gerald Hagler
Gerald Hagler

All the more you smile at someone who calls himself a "self-healing consultant" 😆.
However, I did not give myself this title. After I had written my book, seriously ill people contacted me and asked what they could do concretely to make them feel better. This kind of accompaniment eventually became so time-consuming that I now do it professionally. Read my story here.

Are you looking for concrete exercises to activate your self-healing powers?  

You are ready to copy the strategies of successful self-healers?  

Are you open to unconventional guidance that contributes to your healing progress?  

Want to know what else you can do besides supplements and meditation to get whole again?  

If you have 4 times with a loud Yes! you are in the right place. 

I have found that there are phases in a self-healing process that occur more or less in all self-healers.  

Examples of Matching Phases of Self-Healing:

  • itself new perspectives open
    "I am powerful"
    Perceive, build up & use your own strengths
  • Optimize habits:
    "Now I'm tidying up"
    Make disruptive factors conscious + eliminate them, Do new things, do things anew
  • Clarity
    "Never neglect life goals again"
    Why do I want to be healthy? Goal certainty, Mental rehearsal of the future, Thought discipline
  • From wanting to do
    Acting on 3 levels:
    mental, physical & subtle-spiritual
  • the backpack of the File past
    "Now I forgive radically, others & myself".
    Trauma release, letting go, forgiveness, reliving
  • Correct Reaction in case of regression
    "Staying on course - even in a storm"
    What to do in case of pain, how to counter negative thoughts, feelings and words?
  • The Enjoy life:
    "Welcome to the Flow"
    Self-esteem, joy, meaning of life, enthusiasm, adventure
  • No fear Before death
    "Open your heart instead of breaking your head"
    Understand the laying down of the body as a birth process
  • How is defined my energy magnet?
    "By virtue of my free will, I decide...."
    Self-image, beliefs, beliefs, direction of attention, ...

I have compiled practical content on all these topics (and a few more). The result of these years of work is the most comprehensive self-healing training (with over 80 modules) on the entire Internet. Quasi a strategic blueprint for the way back to being healthy:  

Selbstheilungs Kurs
Free course access now available for a short time

Self-Healing Strategically - Build Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. (Currently about 80 modules)

You could also say that this is about the art of pulling oneself out of the swamp by one's own hair. 

I'm so convinced that you, too, will benefit dramatically from the techniques and measures presented in this comprehensive work that I'm going to give you now access free of charge on it. For a whole week.  

The course has a retail price of 199€ - you will receive NOW access free for one week on the first 10 modules!

These 10 modules cover the following topics:

  • a comprehensive self-analysis with approx. 40 questions
  • Basic seminar: what keeps me from being healthy?
  • The "Kunstwerk Zukunft Method" - simple but effective!
  • Goal definition & obstacles
  • Contract with myself
  • etc.

So you get a lot of really practical content - for free.

But that's not all: 

Because I want to make sure that already in this week you get an idea of the many ways in which you can influence your health for the better, I am offering you a free one hour strategy talk in the value of 120,-.

In this I want to filter out together with you where the "sore points" are and with which measures and techniques you can get back into power as quickly as possible.  

Bengston Kurs Heilmethode
Gerald Hagler - Self-Healing Coach

The one-hour strategy talk normally costs 120,- €  

Course access & conversation together I usually charge 319,- €. 

To show how powerful this kind of self-healing training is, you can now use it to free trial for one week.

Course access & strategy talk for 0,- (for a short time)

Without specifying payment information, without conditions.

If you want to get started right now, just sign up for the list below. You will then receive immediate access to the course, as well as three suggested dates for the strategy meeting. This is by its nature a limited offer.