Was Eigenverantwortung, Disziplin und Selbstvertrauen mit Selbstheilung zu tun haben
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What personal responsibility, discipline and self-confidence have to do with self-healing

Many people become ill because stagnation has crept into one or more areas of life. The flow and exchange of energies, which always balance and cleanse, then falters. But the opposite, too much activity, can also overload the body. I belong to those who tend to "overdo it"....

Ausgeglichenheit, Natur & Kontakt zur inneren Stimme
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Balance, nature & contact with the inner voice

In this article I would like to show you an unbeatable way to find more balance and at the same time access your inner voice. These days you read a lot about homeostasis and coherence, and what sounds terribly scientific and complicated simply means balance. A biological system that exists in balance is...

Die essentielle Heilkraft des Atems
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The essential healing power of breath

Healing Breathing - Free & Highly Efficient Health Elixir "When you are distracted, learn to pay attention to the breath." Gautama Buddha The breath is the clock for a number of essential processes in the body. Breathing in and out causes expansion and rebound of the body walls. One could speak of a breath wave, which causes tension, pressure and relaxation throughout the body tissues, until...