Selbstheilungs Beratung

The 3 levels strategy of self-healing

(from Gerald Hagler

12 surprising healing factors that cost nothing and require no outside resources.

The special thing about the 3 level strategy: NO external aids are needed, everything takes place out of you and through you.

And this "coming into one's own responsibility" is THE most important step when we talk about self-healing.

Recognize your own power and use it in a targeted manner.

An example: the whole world is talking about nutrition and dietary supplements.

Hardly anyone talks about HOW you should eat. Where, with whom, how quickly and in what emotional attitude. Why you should be grateful to your food and to all the people who put it on your plate. Grateful that your body can now be nourished, strengthened and built.

And with every bite you feel it... THIS is real nutrition.

But now to the 3×4 mandatory measures for rapid healing progress. By the way, details on the individual points can be found in the section "Self-Healing Knowledge" can be found.

  • Physical self-healing measures
    • Breathing exercises
    • Nature Contact
    • Muscle building (especially important in cancer!)
    • Touches

in a word: UPDATE!

  • Mental self-healing measures
    • Self-observation: controlling thoughts, consciously controlling emotions
    • Letting go of burdens (e.g. through the technique of reliving)
    • Focus on desirability (mental rehearsal of the future)
    • Clean out beliefs (e.g. "Nothing can be done about genetic defects.")

in a word: ENT-SORTS!

  • subtle-spiritual self-healing measures
    • perceive the deep being secure in a higher power
    • Being grateful, asking for help
    • consciously align the energetic magnet
    • powerful reconsideration of physical mortality

in a word: in the PEACE its

Wie gelingt Selbstheilung
Components of self-healing (according to Gerald Hagler)

Every human being has sufficient self-healing powers. The 3 levels strategy of Gerald Hagler aims to activate and promote these through broadly spread measures.

The goal is to stop and reverse the downward spiral that is spinning faster and faster, leading to illness and ultimately death.

Reversing into a spiral of success.

To a state of joy, of love for oneself and all beings. And through that, to reach a deep inner peace. Once there, one knows: "Nothing can happen to me."

This requires purposeful activity on the part of the person concerned, requires to consistently implement the above measures by means of appropriate techniques.

Here you can find more details about the Self-healing training according to Gerald Hagler.

Pillars of self-healing 7 days program for 19,90

The contents of this 7 days program correspond exactly to Gerald Hagler's successful 6 week course ("Intensive Alignment of Self-Healing Forces for Cancer Healing").

The only difference is that there is no personal care and no energy healing.

With this one-week course, the content of which will be emailed to you daily, you will have the opportunity to "Pillars of self-healing" in self-study to work through.

each day is divided into

- mental

- physical &

- subtle-spiritual measures

Built-in self-analysis, a daily schedule, and various worksheets and checklists ensure that content relevant to you really is get into the implementation.

"Pillars of Self-Healing" now for only 19,90 (money back if you don't like it!)

In 7 days to never experienced lightness

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Letting go & forgiving - in 7 days to never experienced lightness