Can you train self-healing?
Train self-healing through charisma?
No matter what you want to achieve in life, according to Tepperwein, you have to cause it. Two factors are crucial for this:
The first tool for creating a desired future is your "being this way," that is, your current energetic signature. In his seminars, Tepperwein often calls on participants to optimize, even perfect, their energetic signature. He says:

"Imagine that the entire rest of your life depends on the state of being you adopt in the next minute. So be the best you can be, thoroughly personable, in the best of moods, filled with confidence, a wonderful sense of well-being, and serene composure. And then stay in that state for the rest of your life."
Kurt Tepperwein
The idea behind this is that the charisma of a person also significantly influences his body. Someone who is in tune in the way described can no longer be sick at the same time. The illness may not disappear immediately, but according to Tepperwein, it melts away like snow in the spring sun. He calls this technique, "First win, then begin."
That is, you must now take the position of the healthy person and lead your life from that position from now on. You breathe as a healthy person, you think as a healthy person, you feel and speak as a healthy person. In addition, you feel from the bottom of your heart the feeling of relief, joy and gratitude.
Because honestly felt gratitude causes what you are grateful for.
People often object that this is unrealistic because health is not reality at the moment. Tepperwein then always reminds people not to identify with their bodies.
With the immersion in the "I Am" consciousness, a person would stop living in his body as a sick person. He says to himself, "My body has rheumatism, but I am perfectly healthy."
So once you have realized that you are not your body, but live in it as an eternally healthy and immortal "I Am", the possibility also arises to be at rest and coherent within yourself, even if you have a severe disability or are dying.
The second tool for creating a desired future is beliefs.
Kurt Tepperwein's favorite quote is this:
"Wish for what you want, only believe that you have received it, and it will become you."
Mark 9:21:
It unmistakably expresses that the "win first, start later" philosophy mentioned above can only work if what is desired is actually believed. In other words, you attract into your life exactly those events in which you believe rock-solidly.
The reality of your life today reflects the beliefs of the past.

Wishing for a future ideal state, which I view from a distance, doesn't work because too many paths don't lead exactly there. And you act from a lack consciousness, which lets the lack persist stubbornly.
According to Tepperwein, the royal road is to embrace the desired future now and to live from it. That is, in the awareness that it has already occurred, that my desire has already manifested itself.
Tepperwein emphasizes, however, that there is one important prerequisite for this, namely that you actually believe what you wish for is possible. Wishing that you will be the wealthiest person in town tomorrow, while at the same time subconsciously thinking that this is absurd, will not work.
You must always align your goal so that you can actually believe it. See belief as the means of payment necessary for successful manifestation. Only what can be "paid for" can be acquired. If necessary, divide your goal into small steps.
If you can't quite believe that you'll be completely healthy again in a few days, then you wish that you were at least pain-free, or had enough strength and energy to pursue your favorite activity or attend a concert. Once an intermediate goal has been reached, you move on to the next stage.
"With the gold of faith, you can accomplish anything. Often a sick person doesn't have enough gold of faith, then a healer can help out with his gold."
Tepperwein tells me an episode from his healing practice in an interview:
A man was diagnosed with colon cancer and had to undergo surgery. In the course of the operation, the doctors found out that the entire body was already affected by metastases and therefore refrained from any intervention.
You told the wife that he had a maximum of 2-3 weeks to live and recommended that she not tell him this fact. She did it anyway, and understandably this resulted in the collapse of the husband, who had assumed that he would be operated on successfully.
Already unable to walk, he sought out Tepperwein, asking him to give him advice on how to prepare for dying and for the next life. Tepperwein replied: "As long as you enliven this body, you can heal it."
Patient: "So you think I might actually still make it, even though the doctors have completely given up on me?"
Tepperwein: "I think you can make it as long as you haven't given up on yourself. But what I think is irrelevant, for you only what you think yourself counts."
To the astonishment of the doctors treating him, this man actually recovered completely from his severe cancer and subsequently began a new professional career despite his advanced age.
Prophylaxis - The therapy of the future
Many people ruin their health in the first half of life in order to make money, and in the second half this money is then spent to recover, or rather to save what can be saved. Kurt Tepperwein is convinced that in the new era of medicine this knowledge will already be taught to children and actively lived by all members of society.
He postulates a new era of medicine, an era of prophylaxis. As soon as we would behave according to creation, health would be the natural consequence. And indeed perfect health until old age.
The Chinese had such a system a long time ago, in which prevention played the main role. A doctor was paid as long as the people in his community were healthy. If illness occurred, there were deductions. Thus, from the very beginning, the main focus was on prevention. Self-healing through prophylaxis.
Mental re-experience & the game of life
The past shapes us and draws corresponding events into our lives. Kurt Tepperwein therefore recommends the technique of re-experiencing. Every day you should conduct a personal day review. If you encounter an event that was not ideal, you should re-experience it. To do this, mentally reframe the event as you would have found it ideal. You can also apply this technique to more distant, possibly traumatic experiences.
Thus, you do not change the event itself, but this is basically unimportant because irrevocably past. What is important is only the emotional energy from this event, which still influences your energetic signature in the here and now. The technique of re-experiencing aims at transforming or at least neutralizing this very emotional energy. Thus, the energetic signature can be optimized and - you remember - also attract a completely different future.
The technique of re-experiencing is basically simple: Think about how the event should have been and mentally replay this now neutral or even positive scenario over and over again until the painful memory is overwritten. Normally, this succeeds within 21 days.
Your subconscious experiences inner images as well as actual events, and so thanks to this technique you ultimately have the choice of what to be impressed by and what to attract. Self-healing through overwriting.
But Tepperwein also always calls for giving the joy of life the space it deserves, for perceiving and enjoying the game of life as such. But how can one feel joy with all the problems that pile up on us every day?
"We are not here to live a fairy-tale perfect life, but on the contrary. A problem is like wrapping paper. The real gift behind it is always a realization. Once you understand that, then you realize: life is happening for your enjoyment."
Kurt Tepperwein believes that even mistakes in the game of life should be re-evaluated. After all, it would not be said that mistakes are something negative. Each of us makes numerous mistakes every day, and that would be perfectly fine. The right attitude would be: "I have done something wrong. I have done many things wrong. I have learned from some. And from some I have NOT learned. So what? Then I'll just keep doing it wrong until I learn. And that's perfectly fine."
This inspiring view frees us from developing feelings of guilt and from judging and burdening ourselves.
Tepperwein brings the aspect of obesity into play in this context. He means that those who constantly burden themselves, "make it hard for themselves" or believe that they "have it hard" also gain weight physically. Like any belief system, this one is also reflected by the body. He recommends that people who want to lose weight ask themselves the question, "In what ways could I make it easier for myself? What beliefs, feelings and attitudes are weighing me down?" An honestly felt lightness of being, he says, automatically results in the ideal weight. Self-healing through letting go.
And therein lies the fascination of Tepperwein's teaching: There are no dogmas. Everyone is and lives in an order. An order that he/she has created for him/herself. And whoever wants a different order can simply create a new one. Because according to Tepperwein, we are all sleeping gods, who act in the game of life in the most different roles until we see through the game and recognize who we really are. Through the analogy of the dream already mentioned, this concept becomes understandable: as long as we dream, there is no doubt that everything we experience is real. Only at the moment of waking up do we realize our true nature. Self-healing through realization.
- Be aware that your body is always striving to be healthy.
- Illness is a message and a call to change certain things.
- Educate your feelings and don't give room to unwanted emotions like stress and anger in the future. Make it a habit to let go of such stirrings after a few seconds at the longest.
- Even if negative things happen on the outside, it is possible to remain balanced on the inside. Of course, this requires practice.
- Dissolve the burdening through mental re-experiencing, so that it loses its negative radiance into the present.
Familiarize yourself with the idea that your body, mind and personality are nothing more than instruments of experience, vehicles by which we maneuver through this life. You yourself, however, are observing consciousness, an unseparated part of the One Being. - As an observing consciousness, you have the ability to play any role and choose who you appear as. The key is visualization, beliefs, and your energetic signature.
- No situation in life is better than the other. We are all creators, parts of the Divine, and whatever is created in the game of life is always for development, for the joy of play, and ultimately for the recognition of the truth behind appearances.

This article is an excerpt of the book "How self-healing works" (245 pages) by Gerald Hagler.
Gerald Hagler lives and works as Self Healing Trainer and author in Thailand.