Get out of panic mode - this is how to succeed
Spoiled society = weak society
It is times like these when it becomes clear who has inner stability and who does not.
For me, the Corona theme is a wake-up call for our society today, but of course also for each and every one of us.
If we look at the situation after 1948, we see (apart from the former GDR) minimal support and influence from "above," while at the same time there was maximum cohesion among each other. It was necessary to make something out of ruins. Despite suffering and difficult fates, it was necessary to roll up one's arms and start anew.
The task was to look ahead.
It was necessary to be hopeful, despite the horror in the midst of which one still found oneself only months before.
The task was to (re)find oneself.
As far as support and influence "from above" are concerned, the pendulum has now reached the other side of the scale. Never before has a society been so spoiled as that of the Western world today.
For seemingly every problem, an external authority is called upon. Politics, the doctors, the experts, the professional associations, the parties, the state power.
These authorities are happy to step in, of course. But anyone who thinks that only selfless philanthropists are active here might also think that Facebook and Google, with all their free services, only have the highest good of the individual in mind.
Unfortunately, this is not the case.
History shows it unmistakably: those who relinquish too much decision-making power sooner or later end up in rough waters.
Once you find yourself in rough waters, you often find yourself thrown back on yourself. You can denounce this circumstance full of self-pity, or you can roll up your sleeves, spit into your hands and look for solutions - according to the motto: Now I'm coming. Let's see how we can fix this.
Recollection of one's own strengths
Our theme is health and (self-)healing. So how do I act strong and self-responsible today, despite the insanity piling up higher and higher around me?
I think that if a Viktor Frankl can not only survive four years of concentration camps, but afterwards continue without bitterness and hatred, full of the courage to live, then this should also be possible in a Corona crisis.
Frankl, of course, had an advantage: his mind was trained, he did not become a headless chicken in the concentration camp, but recalled the strategies he had previously laid down for patients in psychiatry. These included:
- Perceive life as worth living, no matter how bad the circumstances may be
- Finding joys in very small things: a piece of bread, a sunset, a kind word, a breath of air
- to forgive even very serious misconduct of a large mass, to look forward without resentment

Above all, however, today's crisis is an opportunity to focus on its own strengths and abilities to reflect. You don't need any special training or skills to do this.
I am talking about the qualities inherent in the "human operating system" such as deep trust in one's own efficacy, helpfulness, but also awareness, held by a higher force to be - yes, to be a part of this power that is above all imponderables of earthly life.
Every human being lives the first months of his life in this consciousness. Through education and life circumstances and some twisted social values, we become headless chickens at times.
But: a return to what constitutes me as a human being is possible at any time. It is perhaps especially possible when the familiar protective walls all around break away.
Ultimate freedom from fear
What does this mean in concrete terms in today's prevailing panic mode:
I am not afraid of viruses
I am not afraid of this disease. I don't necessarily have to challenge an infection, but should it catch me, I first and foremost recall my inherent healing intelligence, which copes with such invaders on a daily basis. I know that, according to current knowledge, 99.9% of all people continue to live without problem after a Corona infection. I know that I can rely on my healing power, much more so than on medications or treatments. Not for a second do I allow myself to be thrown off balance by rising "infection numbers" or hospital beds becoming scarce. Because this balance is the salary for my inner doctor.
I am not afraid of dying
But I also know that one day I will leave this body. When that day comes, I will cross over to the other side with dignity and gratitude. I see the death of the body as a birth process of consciousness. I know that what awaits me on the other side is cause for the greatest joy of all. A joy that we cannot even imagine here on earth with our senses.
When my time comes, I will not beg for extra months, weeks or days. Why should I? Because up to this point, I have fulfilled each day as well as I could. So I look back with gratitude on a wholly successful life journey. And look forward to what awaits me after the "birth".
I am not afraid of life:
Ultimately, the above means: whatever comes in life, I will deal with it constructively. I live in the awareness, on the one hand to rest in myselfon the other hand, to be held by a well-meaning higher power. I respect on my thoughts and feelings because I know that with them I determine the quality of my life. I enjoy the beautiful sides of life, and every single day is full of them. But I also know that imponderables cannot be avoided, and I see them as an interesting opportunity to deal with them with my inherent power to act and to use them ultimately as an opportunity for growth, instead of perceiving myself as having been shaken by fate.
But I also do not MAKE me afraid of life.
I avoid people, media or institutions that try to do this as much as possible.

I would be interested to know: How are you maneuvering through these turbulent times? Use the comment function to tell me about it.