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Hier kannst Du Dir die Hörbuch-Version von „So gelingt Heilung dennoch“ für 0,- Euro holen.
Welcome to the circle of those people who don't just rely on be-acting, but also want to get into action themselves and pull out all the stops for self-healing.
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Gleich hier unten findest Du den Test your current self-healing capacity.
Information is important, but, in order for it to be translated into actions that promote healing, it must be consumed in small portions and integrated piece by piece into daily life.
I have therefore taken the trouble to pack the various insights and tips into an email series. Starting tomorrow, you will receive self-healing impulses at intervals of 5 days. So you have enough time to test the contents and see how they work for you.
The goal of this series is to highlight various techniques, methods and tips that successful self-healers say are really helpful. They revolve around the question: "How can I build up mentally, physically & spiritually, regardless of my current condition".
Selbstverständlich kannst Du diese Mails jederzeit abbestellen.
Herzliche Sonnengrüße, Dein Gerald
(+66869441223 Whatsapp, Telegram, SMS)