5 Ways an Awakened Society Would Deal with the Corona Crisis
1 Fact-based measures
2 No fear of death
3 Wake-up call for dreamers
4 Strengthen the immune system
5 See the positive of this situation
1. fact-based measures
On December 1, 2019, Corona virus was officially identified by the Chinese government as a new, highly contagious virus. Doctors from Wuhan who had previously warned of an unusually contagious viral disease with relatively high mortality were punished by the autocratic Chinese government and forced to qualify these statements so as not to cause panic among the population. Some of these doctors died of the disease themselves weeks later.
So as of today's date, we've known about this problem for a good three and a half months. Question: How much of these three and a half months have been used constructively to prevent or minimize the spread of the virus to other countries?
On YouTube one can find videos, where the foreign correspondent of the ARD stationed in Beijing still in February in a 45-minute interview represents how, harmless the situation would be and how he would enjoy the peace in the city. Also virologists and politicians and practically all German-language media have at least during the first 3 months nothing but placated and downplayed. A serious mistake and, in my view, a reason to question a system that establishes such decision-makers.
In January of this year, two and a half months ago, videos and voice messages from Wuhan made the rounds, which clearly showed that an unusual disease was spreading in Wuhan. The Chinese government had subsequently blocked any picture and video news from China. Nevertheless, more pictures made it through the censorship, e.g. about fire trucks spraying the whole city with disinfectants, into the Internet.

So-called people's reporters who went out on their own to hospitals and funeral homes to make video recordings and publish them disappeared without a trace. A leading Chinese virologist who had decoded the genome of the virus and posted it on the Internet without first obtaining permission from the authorities was also severely punished and muzzled.
Not only did our elites not care about this from a human rights perspective, they completely ignored the seriousness of the situation, which hundreds of Chinese had emphatically pointed out.
So what is to be done? I am neither a virologist nor a politician. But wouldn't it be somehow logical to join forces with those who have the most experience with the outbreak and the treatment of the disease? Shouldn't we seek the cooperation of the Chinese and, if necessary, force them via the threat of economic embargoes to release all the important information on the development and control of the disease, as well as the true figures and statistics?
Which people are particularly at risk? From what age? Smokers? High blood pressure patients? Diabetes patients? All of this data could be obtained from the Chinese immediately and targeted accordingly. Perhaps it would then be possible to let large parts of the economic activity continue and to isolate or protect the risk groups in a targeted manner.
2. not afraid of death
Fear and panic are ultimately the result of being confronted with one's own mortality. One could argue that every living being has a biological will to live and strives not to die. However, we humans are rational beings capable of self-reflection and should have risen above this biological reflex. Because what sense does it make to be afraid of going to sleep tonight, if I know it will happen for sure? No one is going to get out of here alive, so how smart is it to try to somehow make it anyway?
Don't get me wrong: you don't necessarily have to balance as an untrained person over a rope stretched between two skyscrapers, or sit for hours in the Arctic ice. Life is precious and every day should be lived accordingly.

But if a large ship sinks and there are not enough lifeboats for all of them, then one considers who should get a place in a lifeboat and who should not. In such a situation, everyone involved understands the decision and goes along with it. If this seems too inhumane or brutal, please take a look at nature: a heavy storm may be stressful for all the leaves of a tree, but the most likely to fall off are the withered leaves. By the way, this image is not mine but borrowed from Buddhism.
To someone who identifies as a human being in a perishable body, this thought may seem absurd and perhaps even inhuman. But we are talking about the reaction mode of an awakened society and in such a society people do not identify themselves as a human being having (possibly) a spiritual experience, but as spiritual beings having a human experience.
And from this perspective, the idea of giving up one's "school uniform" a little earlier is not morbid at all. Because the death of the body is not the death of what I really am.
And through this relaxed attitude towards our own mortality, we achieve two extremely health-promoting effects: on the one hand, fear and panic can no longer affect us. That means stress, being upset and fear of survival are simply not an issue. In this way, my health can also not be dragged down.
On the other hand, a conscious person simply lives healthier: he breathes correctly, he moves enough, he listens to his body and he feels inside what is best for him in every situation.
3. wake up call for dreamers
If we take a look at the development of Western society since the Second World War and in particular in Central Europe, we see the following: immediately after the war, reconstruction was achieved in a very short time with great cohesion and an enormous upswing began. In the 50's, 60's and 70's one could make it in every profession.
Due to the destruction and the many victims of the war, there was an enormous cohesion. But with the onset of prosperity began a period in which the state enabled and even guaranteed the citizen ever greater amenities.
Self-efficacy is the ability to cope with adverse circumstances by oneself and on one's own responsibility. Research has shown that self-efficacy decreases as the demands of the external world decrease. In other words, the amenities and social guarantees increase while at the same time the powers of the individual decrease.
There are some highly interesting experiments that show this impressively. I have made a video about it, which I link to in the description text below.
One can therefore conclude: The more amenities are guaranteed from the outside, the less resistance the individual develops.
In Thailand, my adopted country, most COVID 19 patients are sent home because there are neither the necessary testing facilities let alone the appropriate hospital infrastructure, so people simply have to take care of themselves.
This procedure may seem brutal and inhumane at first glance, but on closer inspection one finds that at least as many people manage to become healthy as in the Western world. Of course, I do not want to hide the fact that climatic conditions also have a favorable effect, on the other hand, hygiene standards prevail here that are about 120 years behind those of the Western world. Just so you can imagine: a normal Thai family has toilet paper nor soap on the toilet again, ditto in most restaurants and public facilities.
Perhaps this virus is a wake-up call for all of us to look to our own strengths to increase our self-efficacy - and there is dramatic potential here - and to rely much less on any outside authorities and agencies to save us.
4. strengthen the immune system:
Do you know what measures were taken before antibiotics were invented? In 1918, a severe flu epidemic was spreading and it was noticed that many people were getting sick, especially in military barracks and on ships, i.e. everywhere where people were crowded together.
At that time, people approached things with practical intelligence and drew the following conclusion: If people become sicker in confined spaces and without being exposed to sunlight, then one could possibly try housing them in spacious areas and exposing them to the sun as often as possible.

And so the patients were housed in tents in a field and exposed to the sun whenever possible during the day. A few hundred meters away, the rich clientele was housed in heated or air-conditioned luxury hospital beds in closed rooms. And guess which group had the better healing results? Yes, it was those who were housed in tents and thus exposed to a lot of fresh air and sun.
We are already so alienated from nature and natural healing approaches that such measures seem completely absurd to us today. In reality, our health care system is absurd, which demonstrably cannot prevent more and more people from becoming chronically ill and, by the way, also at a younger and younger age.
Proper breathing, clean air, contact with nature, the right amount of exercise - not forgetting strength training - a balanced and healthy diet plus a social environment that is as harmonious and large as possible, these are the natural ingredients for a fit and powerful immune system. If you have a need to catch up on these components, now might be a good time to really recharge your batteries.
5. see the positive of the situation
One can argue a lot about what would be appropriate means to solve today's problems.
If one confronts speakers of indigenous peoples, no matter where on this globe, with this question, then the following answer comes in unison. "1. people must return to their connection with nature. 2. the number of people is too high for this planet. 3. money as the new and only god must be replaced by a spirit of cooperation and mutual compassion."
Could it be that the Corona crisis is now bringing more attention to precisely these aspects?
In addition, our financial system, which has gotten completely out of hand, may be shaken up and hopefully put back on a healthier and more humane footing. The fact that people with billion-dollar bets dictate the fate of the real economy globally and earn much more money than anyone who creates or achieves something productive is a deplorable state of affairs that should be remedied as quickly as possible.
Perhaps, in times of swarm intelligence, we will finally get around to direct democracy on the Swiss model.