Does illness draw attention to disharmonies?
Illness is a message from the body. Like a warning light of a machine, it indicates disharmony. This is the view of the alternative practitioner and life coach Kurt Tepperwein, which is closely based on Hindu teachings. And from this, he says, the ideal path to health can be derived from every clinical picture.
The body as a mirror of consciousness
Kurt Tepperwein's teaching is based on the realization that each of us is a creator. He says:
"From the mirror of your circumstances, you can read what you have created in the past. And if you find one or two aspects less than ideal, you can change that. And you can do it immediately."
At first, that sounds like an insult. Who would create an illness for themselves? According to Tepperwein, however, the illness itself is not the problem. It is only a request from the soul to put a certain aspect of life in order. If the request is followed and the inner balance is restored, the illness disappears all by itself - and without needing to be treated directly.
He compares this to the easy-to-understand image of a technical problem on a car. If the oil control lamp lights up, it is a request to take action in a certain direction. If the correct response is made - i.e. oil is topped up at the next opportunity - the warning light goes out without any changes being made to the lamp itself.
However, instead of following this logic, most people strive to "make the symptom go away" as quickly as possible and then continue living with the same bad habits.
"Every illness is an 'in-FORM-ation' about behavior that is not appropriate for life. Most people, however, do not recognize illness as a loving indication from the body of a disharmony in the consciousness, but evaluate it as a stroke of fate, a freak of nature, or a coincidence that strikes one and spares another."
According to Tepperwein, it is essential that we recognize the deeper meaning of our illness by asking ourselves: 'What does this illness mean to me? What is this symptom trying to tell me?" No illness is a punishment or a condemnation, but always an opportunity for the better.
If the affected person does not seize this chance, however, because he does not recognize it as a message at all, he forces life to set correspondingly clearer signs in order to cause the "necessary" reaction.
You can think of it like the reminder system in business: First comes a politely worded payment reminder in the form of a subtle discomfort or slight pain. If the payment reminder goes unheeded, a reminder comes, and finally a final reminder. An illness manifests and worsens.
If you still make no effort to take the necessary steps in the right direction, a few strong gentlemen will come and pick up your interior, in other words, more or less drastic interventions will be necessary.
The consciousness of a person projects his condition onto the body to make it visible and tangible. In the diary of the body the entire life history can be read. According to Tepperwein, even the so-called diseases of old age are only information about unresolved tasks, or a consequence of youthful sins.

"Our wonderful 'ambassador body' tells us not only WHERE we are not behaving appropriately for life, but also WHAT to do to be fully in harmony with life again."
According to Tepperwein, the first step to real healing is the correct diagnosis. This does not mean knowing the Latin technical term for the symptom, but recognizing the true connections and leading the other person or oneself to a healing realization. Thus, a successful diagnosis is already the therapy, which already unfolds its healing power through "one-view".
The correct answer to the doctor's question: 'What are you missing?' must always be: 'A certain healing insight'. Tepperwein postulates diagnosis as the therapy of the future and "insight" as the true medicine, i.e. the universal remedy. If the therapist succeeds in helping the patient to this insight, the most important step for the healing process has been taken.
The prerequisite for this is that the patient also really brings the willingness to look and to recognize the message of the body in itself. This can be quite painful. Many people therefore resist the honest perception of the message. But as long as a discrepancy is not consciously looked at, it cannot be changed and thus cannot be healed.
"It's not the body that lets you down, it's the other way around. If we break a law we get punished, if we don't handle our car properly it breaks down, and if we treat our body wrong it gets sick."
Find the disharmony
According to Tepperwein, in order to make the correct diagnosis, the following three areas should be looked at and analyzed in detail:
Place of the disease
- What is the function of the affected body part?
- What does that mean spiritually?
- Can I already see the task through this?
Type of disease:
Is it a bacterial infection, some other inflammatory disease, a fracture, some other injury? Or does it concern the mental area? What does it mean mentally? Which task or consequence results from it?
Time of the disease:
In which situation was I in the 2-3 days before the symptom appeared? Was there an incisive event to which I reacted physically or mentally shortly afterwards? Is there something to let go of, to tackle or to resolve?
It is helpful to write down what is happening in simple words, but in detail. In most cases, the formulations and phrases used already lead to the cause of the disease. The wisdom of the language often makes it possible to make a diagnosis on the basis of what is written down. Possible key phrases are for example:
● Something has offended me.
● Something is not building me up.
● Something was humiliating.
● I hit the skids.
● I don't want to swallow this anymore.
● Something broke my heart.
● I'm fed up.
● I can't watch this.
● It gets to me.
● The flow came to a standstill.
● I have lost the pleasure/joy.
● Someone went on a collision course.
● I kept that bottled up.
● Something threw me off track.
● I couldn't smell someone anymore.
● I was consumed by grief or anger.
● I have to push through.
● My bile is coming up, Etc....
Now the question arises: What am I missing? And further: What does this symptom force me to do?
According to Tepperwein, every content of consciousness has a very special projection surface in the body. Every organ, every part of the body, every place has a specific statement. Exemplary diagnoses according to the Tepperwein method:
Place of illness: Bronchial tubes/lungs Type of illness: The bronchial tubes cannot develop, some energy constricts me, takes away my air, hinders me. Finding the message: I have an energy inside me that hinders me and stands in the way of my full development In many cases it is the lack of detachment from an over-caring or even very authoritarian mother.
Or it could be a traumatic experience in the past that I haven't gotten over yet. The asthmatic must learn to let life come to him, to let it happen and to breathe through it. He must become free of the things that hinder him from fully developing.
Back pain:
Location of the disease: The spine, it provides support. The intervertebral discs have a buffer function and absorb stresses. Type of disease: All internal tensions are transferred from certain muscles, fasciae and tendons to the spine and thus visible on the outside.
Often people are affected who have put too much on themselves and who "can no longer carry the load". The intervertebral discs can no longer buffer sufficiently. Or one is inwardly unstable. False self-confidence can show itself in exaggeratedly straight posture, which also leads to tension pain.
Find the message: The spine reflects everything that touches our posture.

Affected individuals should ask themselves:
Cervical spine area: Where am I stiff-necked, what is hanging out of my throat? What can I no longer swallow? Is the load on my shoulders too great?
Lower back area: What in my basic posture is so out of tune that it causes pain? Job, partnership, attitude to life in general, or am I forcing myself to accept something that is contrary to my inner attitude? Is there a repressed disappointment, aggression, fear or humiliation?
Location: large intestine. This is responsible for "solution". Gaining distance, leaving something behind Type of condition: something that is no longer needed cannot be let go. Finding the message: What outdated ideas or desires am I holding on to? Where has the natural flow come to a halt? Are there crucial life circumstances that need to be cleared up? Are there problems with the past? Is there a lack of peace, a quiet place?
The temporal occurrence of the disorder is also revealing and should be included in the analysis process whenever one has not yet found a clear answer through the above questions. What happened in my life just before the symptom appeared?
Conscientious self-analysis is uncomplicated in most cases. Most people know exactly what in their lives is the disease trigger. If rational analysis is difficult for you, you could simply stand in front of a mirror and lovingly ask your body, "What's wrong? Tell me, I'll help you!"
In order to eliminate a cause of disease, the patient must:
1.) seen
2.) recognized and
3.) Be resolved through changed action.
So it is of little use if I realize that my partner, job, or resentment over a past experience is making me sick, if I subsequently leave everything as it is. Basically, a wrong lifestyle habit and the resulting illness can be resolved in two ways. Either one suffers through it, or one takes the path of realization, changes disease-causing thoughts, feelings and habits and thus brings about healing - not infrequently also "spontaneously".
According to the teachings of Kurt Tepperwein, every illness is a kind of warning lamp of the body, whose "lighting up" should draw attention to a disharmony. The place, type and time of occurrence provide clues as to what needs to be done to restore the natural balance. Author's personal note: I agree with this view in principle, but think that the conclusions about the cause of disharmony are not necessarily generalizable. For one person, long-lasting relationship problems manifest themselves in the form of depression, for the next in the form of cancer, and for a third person perhaps as a heart attack. What is the individual trigger in each case can therefore ultimately only be recognized and thus resolved by the sufferer himself.
The aspect of disease and karma is considered here.
Here is another article on the subject Illness as an expression of disharmony.