Was Eigenverantwortung, Disziplin und Selbstvertrauen mit Selbstheilung zu tun haben
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What personal responsibility, discipline and self-confidence have to do with self-healing

Many people become ill because stagnation has crept into one or more areas of life. The flow and exchange of energies, which always balance and cleanse, then falters. But the opposite, too much activity, can also overload the body. I belong to those who tend to "overdo it"....

Tod, Wiedergeburt & das spielende Bewusstsein
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Death, rebirth & the playing consciousness

Idea No. 1: Rebirth Whoever deals with the subject of rebirth inevitably comes into contact with the question "Who am I really". A worldview that defines me as a body, as a physical and mental construct, that is, as what I can attack and think, naturally has difficulty with the idea of rebirth. For it is not a...