Cure back pain without surgery
Back pain and neck pain often persist because they are treated at only one level. Painkillers, surgical interventions or even rehabilitation measures all target the body level.
However, an effective self-healing program also involves the mental and subtle levels. Those who choose this holistic approach have a good chance of reliably getting rid of the pain and, in many cases, can avoid severe interventions or even strong medications, permanently.
For a month now, I've been crawling on all fours to the toilet. There is a mat on the tiled floor in the bedroom, on which I spend more or less the whole day. And also the night. Because getting into a bed would cause unspeakable pain.

What particularly worries the doctors is that the pinched sciatic nerve radiates into the left leg, causing paralysis. They say this is the unmistakable sign that lower lumbar surgery is needed. The CT and MRI images also confirm that the disc between the L4 and L5 vertebrae is severely crushed. A classic herniated disc.
But I resist surgery like a recalcitrant child. 2 years ago I had met a compatriot who was a water sports professional and had also insulted his lower back while windsurfing. After years of pain in that area, he had finally undergone surgery. Ten years later, his conclusion or advice to me was:
"Avoid surgery if at all possible. Because this does not solve the problem. The pain will come back, perhaps in a different place and in a different form, but the operation will not make it go away. (I was to hear this statement from several other people who had undergone this type of surgery).
Instead, do strength training for your back and abs continuously for life and you'll see the issue of back pain go away."
Gerhard Meikl
Former Olympic windsurfer
I took the advice to heart and went through with it. It took three months until I could walk halfway again and when the pain subsided, I immediately started training. That herniated disc was 15 years ago and I only had problems again when two factors coincided:

First, if I had too much stress in any form.
Second, when I neglected regular exercise. And I noticed that these two factors were also often true for others affected by back pain.
Conversely, all those who also implemented my approach and exercise recommendations fared dramatically better. This does not necessarily mean that this is true in every case, but it is certainly worth a try.
Time and time again, you may see children carrying others while playing, and they may even be heavier than they are. Yet children rarely have a herniated disc. So the body can obviously withstand and also balance a lot. The same is true for the psychic realm.And for the subtle-spiritual. But when the imbalances become too strong, a warning light goes on, and it comes in the form of pain.
My second episode of back problems began while I was going through a rather upsetting divorce. This time the neck and shoulder area was affected, which manifested itself like this: Every time I made a certain movement, typically pulling my head in slightly, as one does all the time on a boat, I felt a pain that felt like a knife stabbing me in the shoulder blade area.
The intensity of this pain was such that it sometimes brought tears to my eyes and I had to remain motionless for a minute. I also often woke up at night with this pulling in my neck, as if a wire rope was stretched from my shoulder blade to behind my left ear, until just before it burst. Again, advice came in the direction of surgery. But just as with the sciatica problem, I was convinced that there had to be another, non-invasive solution.
And that there was a clear trigger for the problem was completely obvious even to outsiders. But it was to take almost two years before the neck pain also disappeared. Of course, it also played a role that the nerve-wracking divorce had been settled at some point and the emotional waters had smoothed out again.
Another aha experience was the discovery of a device in a hotel fitness center. After exercising on it for 20 minutes, I felt a significant improvement in tension. I had been looking for an exercise that would produce this effect for a long time. As so often, I found the solution only when I moved away from my usual living environment.
After many years of studying possibilities, strategies and methods in the matter of self-healing, I know that the matter should be looked at from three perspectives.
1. the mental component From back pain
To get to the heart of the problem, ask yourself the following. Questions:
What am I overworking myself on at the moment?
What causes constant tension in my life?
To what extent do I feel trapped by/in life?
In what area of life am I frozen?
How do I find my way back to a state of lightness?
What ballast do I have to throw off?
- Methods of the Letting Go & Forgiveness
- Visualization of a perfectly healthy body bzw. Rückens und das Empfinden von Dankbarkeit und Freude dass es erreicht ist. Die Schmerzen schmelzen von diesem Moment an dahin wie der Schnee in der Frühlingssonne.
- To become aware of who I am living as, namely as an eternal, immortal consciousness, as a part of the unseparated Being, inhabiting a body that may be hurting right now, but I-Self, who I really am, know neither pain nor death.
These 3 techniques are described in the Healing Sessions Together regularly implemented in practice.
2. the physical component From back pain
Back pain usually results from a combination of tension and a resulting overuse of a specific region. Targeted Muscle training relieves this region through a Strengthening the supporting apparatus. In addition, tension often relieves itself through tension and strengthening.
Since back pain in particular can have an enormous number of causes and manifestations, a general training recommendation - especially for patients with pain - is difficult. However, once you understand that strengthening is an important measure, you experiment until you find the exercise that counteracts the tension. Many people with back problems have massages or practice stretching exercises.
These can be sensible measures, but from my experience they do not replace the targeted strengthening of the muscle groups surrounding the pain area through strength training. It is really amazing that this realization is completely normal among fitness trainers, but hardly propagated by doctors or physiotherapists.
However, as I explained in my Book "How Self-Healing Works a change in thinking is slowly beginning among medical professionals. The healing effects of strength training (keyword: myokines) are finally being recognized even in oncology.
When it comes to back pain, the primary goal is to strengthen the supporting apparatus, but it is certainly no disadvantage to stimulate the immune system at the same time, thanks to the so-called myokines, which are released by an active muscle.
But the physical component also includes changing harmful habits. Those who transport pianos and develop back pain over the years should perhaps think pragmatically about changing careers. Or those who push themselves too hard athletically might want to downshift a few gears, or perhaps consider a less stressful alternative.
In most cases, however, simply bad everyday habits such as sitting too much and too long and ergonomically incorrectly are responsible for back problems.
3. the subtle component From back pain
The fact that each of us is also an energetic being has already become known. Less known are possibilities of energetic medicine, which can be used without any (miracle) healers.
During the Together Healing Sessions, methods such as "Group Intention", "Emotion Training" or "The Mental Rehearsal of the Future" are presented and practiced together with other highly effective techniques.
Often we do not know why pain occurs. But even if we know, then it is certainly not a disadvantage to meet the problem on all 3 levels described above at the same time. Because: there is no such thing as an overdose (unless you overdo it in strength training) and the side effects that may occur are all positive without exception.
Back pain is caused by disharmonies in the mental, physical and/or subtle (spiritual) realm. In order to dissolve these disharmonies, you must be treated specifically on all 3 levels. Tablets (alone) cannot do this, the affected person must become active himself and if this healing activity is targeted, stubborn back pain can not only be quickly alleviated, but also completely avoided in the future.
Here is an article that deals with the Self cure neck pain employed.