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How do I begin, maximizing my self-healing potential?

As I wrote in my book "How self-healing works"As I have already pointed out, a multidimensional approach to the topic of cancer healing is probably indicated. Multidimensional means, I look at all important issues in the physical, mental and also in the spiritual (subtle) area.

Roughly speaking, the goal is to discard the burdensome and focus on the constructive.

Many people are initially interested in self-healing - but in the end want someone else to fix it.

What is certain, however, is that - as with all special achievements in life - it will not work without a certain amount of focus, discipline and effort.

However, if you have the right techniques at hand and then implement them consistently, not shying away from drastic changes in your living environment or habits, you will soon see the first successes.

For the mental realm:
FREE and for immediate participation (online) the Selfhealing Acadmy offers regularly various self-healing trainings.

For the subtle realm:
In my opinion the best energy healing method is the Bengston healing method. You can start learning it today. This works both for treating a loved one and for self-treatment.

For the physical area:
There is a general set of measures that should begin to be implemented immediately. This includes Strength training, Nature, Silence or meditation and Breathing exercises. If done correctly, this alone will double the performance of your immune system - easily!

An exact guide to the individual steps can be found in my actively coached self-healing training.

How do I find hope after a difficult diagnosis?

Being confronted with a serious diagnosis is something you have to digest first. But there is good news: no matter what disease we're talking about, people before you have managed to heal completely and permanently. You'll emulate many of these successful strategies, and in the process, you'll find numerous Components of self-healing get to know

You are neither at the mercy of your illness nor of conventional medicine. Of course, conventional medicine has its place, but I see the targeted development and strengthening of the inherent self-healing powers of each person - and that on 3 levels - as the first priority. The presence of a lifeguard does not absolve me from swimming myself to the best of my ability.

In the first place, therefore, is the full exploitation of your self-healing potential. The approaches described under the first question force you to pay full attention to your inherent potentials and to develop them. Thus you also experience increased Self-efficacy - a spiral of success is set in motion.

Quite a few people who have been cured speak of a second life that is so much more fulfilling than the first. And of the fact that they would probably never have taken the steps to get there without the disease.

Wie gelingt Selbstheilung

How do I first get back on my feet mentally?

In my view, the greatest deficits and therefore also the greatest opportunities lie in the mental area. The free self-healing trainings focus on this area. Four times a week we meet live and online to do mental training, meditation, visualization, healing breathing, affirmations, etc. together. As I said, participation is FREE, so the best thing you can do is check out the offered Dates an.

But also through physical measures and contact with nature can stabilize and strengthen the mind.

Although I do not see myself as a healer, but as a self-healing coach, I offer support through Remote treatments with the Bengston method an.

How do I support a loved one who is ill?

Due to the numerous healing successes with the Bengston methodI recommend learning this healing method to be able to support a loved one. On the Selfhealing Academy you will find a extensive articles, which describes the method and its development, and 2 Online courses (one of them free of charge).

For further assistance feel free to check out my Self Healing Coaching which is specifically tailored to cancer patients:

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Self-Healing Coaching:

A combination of Remote treatment with the Bengston method and individual Self Healing Coaching for cancer patients with 3 main goals:

  1. new Life perspectives and the joy and enthusiasm associated with it, as well as
  2. a body free of malignant cells
  3. never again fear of follow-up examinations

Noticeably more vital in 21 days! Three weeks of pulling out all the stops to heal ourselves.

Proactively bring about health. YOUR individual self-healing strategywhich will be tailored exactly to your situation plus remote treatment with the most effective energy healing method for cancer (Bengston).

  • Creative power instead of pain
  • Competence instead of helplessness
  • Confidence instead of fear

Details about the Self-Healing Coaching from Gerald Hagler